Thursday 5 July 2012

In the beginning

I dislike flakes.

In this instance I am not referring to the delightfully crumbly flaky chocolate bar from Cadbury’s, but that person who promises to do something but never follows through. Sometimes it’s due to an unavoidable situation, sometimes people just can’t be bothered and can let you down. I would find myself missing out on things because I couldn't find someone to go with me and I was not brave enough to go on my own.
(no more flaky behaviour!)

When I turned 25 last year, I came to the decision this was my time. Flaky behaviour had stopped me doing things, but no more! The year I turned 25 would be the year of ‘me’. If people didn’t want to come with me or pulled out at the last minute, so what – I’d go on my own. 

I have crossed many items off my somewhat daring (for me) list, I have;
been to the theater on my own (It was the Syndicate starring Sir Ian Mckellen)
gone to a restaurant and dined solo
attended wildlife expo's and conferences
had a day trip to the beach, played arcade games on the pier and built a sandcastle
joined a diving club and went on a diving weekend with people I'd never met before
lost 3 stone - a personal victory as I would never go to the gym on my own
eaten a tub of ben and jerries in one sitting ( okay that one is maybe not one of my proudest achievements, but I'd normally be forced to at least share a spoonful..and yes I'm still surprised I managed to lose weight too!)

These may seem insignificant or trivial to some, but previously I would have said ‘oh well never mind’ and not gone. I have enjoyed every moment of it. This is not to say that I would not have enjoyed going with friends, but I have had a new sense of liberty. To paraphrase the words of Destiny's Child - I AM an Independent Woman!

Towards the end of the year I attended a fantastic conference ‘Whalefest’ in Brighton. The trip started off on a bad note as I was getting a lift with my parents when my dad accidentally put petrol in the diesel engine (it happens...) so a few hours later, we are towed back to their house. I then had the decision of carrying on on my own (I’d already have missed the first day), or just giving up and stay I packed up my own car and drove off.

Whilst wondering around in a mildly bewildered fashion through the aisles of stands I was accosted by an enthusiastic member of GVI with the line ' Hello - you look lost, would you like me to talk at you for a while?'.  Some 45 minutes later and having discussed the pros and cons of scuba diving in various places around the world and about my passion for marine conservation  they had given me information about their 6 month divemaster and conservation internship.

As I drove home that night I found myself seriously considering applying for the programme. It was pretty daring for me, I had not long started a new job and I had a settled life in Bristol living in a comfortable flat with my friend and I was content - almost - but not fully.  Since before I can remember (according to my parents) I have loved being in the water and being by the sea. And here I was, being offered the chance to apply for what literally would be my dream job. But was I ready?

I spoke to my family briefly about it and had their full support on whatever I decided to do, at the very least I could always apply and see if I could get a place. Unbeknownst to them, I had already submitted my application. A day or two later I received a phone call from GVI stating they had received my application, I had a phone interview with them and shortly after was offered a place on the programme.

And so I now find myself with 3 months to go, preparing to leave my friends and family to embark on what will be a life changing adventure.

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